Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Common Startup Failure Traps - Product

Overall Guidance:
When the founders develop a product, you need to be aware of few things.

Trap 1: Don't develop a full product first, and then reach to customers.
Don't spend months to develop a product, and then try to convince to customers. This will not work. Customers may not need the features, which you spend weeks implemented.
Advice: Do develop one feature, and then reach out to customers and ask if they like it and want to use it. If the answer is yes, then continue the development lifecycle. If not, don't develop the 2nd feature. If you can't find one user to use your first feature. Your 2nd feature will not help.

Trap 2: Develop a bad UX, and then ask customers to use it.
Even it is a prototype or one feature app, you shall make the UX good. Bad UX will turn customers away.  Do develop a good UX even with one feature.

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