Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Common Startup Failure Traps - Marketing

Overall Guidance:
1. It is very important to do marketing for your product or beta. A full lifecycle will include marketing, which distribute your product to the customers.

Trap1: Don't do marketing.
A full lifecycle starts from an idea, and ends with users usage and feedback.  Marketing is the process to bring the product to customers, sell it to them, and ask their feedback, and also create more demand from customers.

Trap 2: Can't adjust the feedback from potential users.
Anyone can be a user, and also anyone may not be a user. The founder needs to be careful about the feedback from users. For some of the feedback, the founder shall listen. Some of the feedback, the founder needs to understand why they say so. Is it really a pain for user, or is it just an opinion from this person.

Trap 3: Once they get idea, they didn't talk with potential customers to validate the idea
They may be too busy on their staff. They may not have the connection or habit to do it. They may not like talking to people, and so don't want to do it.

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